Reverse Aqua Regia: A New Method Of Extraction For Diatoms From Human Tissue
Surender Kumar Pal1*, Arun Sharma2, Vinita Kumari3
1 Assistant Director, Biology & Serology Division, Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Northern Range, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India.
2 Director, Directorate of Forensics Services, Himachal Pradesh, India.
3 Intern, DNA Division, State Forensic Science Laboratory, Himachal Pradesh, India.
*Corresponding Author
Surender Kumar Pal,
Surender Kumar Pal,
Assistant Director, Biology & Serology Division, Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Northern Range, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Received: February 13, 2021; Accepted: February 17, 2021; Published: February 27, 2021
Citation: Surender Kumar Pal, Arun Sharma, Vinita Kumari. Reverse Aqua Regia: A New Method Of Extraction Of Diatoms From Human Tissue. Int J Forensic Sci Pathol.
2021;08(01):425-429. doi:
Copyright: Surender Kumar Pal©2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Background: The presence of diatoms in human tissues contributes significantly in determining the mode of death in
drowning. Conventional acid digestion of tissues for extraction of diatoms is a time consuming and potentially hazardous
technique. The various techniques of extraction and analys is affect the identification of diatoms from human tissues. We
have developed and tested a new method which is a simple, safe, time saving and economical extraction technique and extracts
diatoms rapidly by removing the extracellular and intracellular organic matter from the siliceous frustules of diatoms. The
method was compared with other conventional methods of extraction. This method provides results within 2-3 hours from
the tissue samples of suspected drowning cases without interfering with microscopic observation and may be useful in current
forensic practices.
Materials and methods: The lung tissue samples and bone marrow from bones (femur and sternum) of 66 human cases
suspected for drowning death were taken. The human tissue samples of humans were analyzed by the modified reverse aqua
regia digestion method and the conventional acid digestion method simultaneously.
Results: The results showed that the modified reverse aqua regia digestion method was less time consuming having very
strong digestive ability with less impurity as the structure of diatoms remained almost intact, diatoms were identified with clear
striations and the recovery rate was higher as compared to conventional acid digestion method.
Conclusion: The modified reverse aqua regia acid digestion method is a new scientific approach in the field of forensic diatomology
as this is simple and rapid procedure that produces more effective results.
4.MaterialS and Methods
Drowning; Diatom Test; Digestion Method; Diatom Extraction; Modified Reverse Aqua Regia; N: Number;
WHO: World Health Organization; NCRB: National Crime Record Bureau; DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid; PCR: Polymerase
Chain Reaction; SEM: Scanning Electron Microscope.
Drowning is the most common cause of mortality in India. The
establishment of ante-mortem or post-mortem submersion in
unnatural deaths plays an important role in investigation of crime
cases. Nearly, every hour 42 people and every year, 3.7 lakh people
die due to drowning worldwide. Drowning is the third major
cause of accidental deaths worldwide [1]. According to National
Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) report 2018, drowning was the
third major cause of all accidental deaths reported inIndia [2].
Diatoms are microscopic, unicellular, photosynthetic algal organisms
with a diameter of between 2 and 200 microns, although
sometimes they can be up to 2 millimeters long. Their uniqueness
lies in the hardened silica cell wall (SiO2) which is resistant to decay
and retains diagnostic features enabling species identification
and comparison. Diatom is a large group of algae which consists
of over 200 genera and 10,000 species, out of which 92 genera
and 569 species are reported in India [3]. According to Mann and
Droop, there are hundreds of genera and perhaps 20,000 species
of diatoms of which only a tenth have been described so far [4].
Diatoms occur in almost every type of habitat, but some species
have a narrow range of distribution due to preferable mode of
habitat and thus they can be used for biomonitoring [5]. Diatoms
have different environmental preferences based on pH, light,
temperature, moisture condition, salinity, oxygen, organic and
inorganic nutrients, thus the species of diatoms vary from one drowning medium to another [6, 7]. It helps to determine the site
of drowning by comparing the diatoms species present in tissue
samples and water samples of the drowning site [8].
The identification of diatoms in the body tissues to prove death
by drowning dates back to the end of the 19th century. In the
case of ante-mortem drowning, the water enters into the lungs
and then into the bloodstream through ruptures in the peripheral
alveoli before being carried to the other organs due to inhalation.
The microscopic contents including diatoms present
in the drowning medium enter into the blood. The detection of
these diatoms is done by using diatom test to ascertain the cause
of death. The diatom test is based on the diatom density in the
drowning medium and the extreme locations of human body including
femur, sternum bone, liver, kidney and brain as several
diatoms have passed to these locations from the lungs through
blood [9, 10]. The extraction of diatoms from the various tissue
samples requires the acid digestion. Therefore, the criteria used
for the diatom test is based on the time required for samples digestion,
the digestive capability of the method used, reclamation
of diatoms after digestion, extraction and destruction of diatom
frustules [11].
Due to advancement in the molecular methods in recent years,
DNA sequencing has been used in diatom testing of drowning
cases [8]. Racz et al. used a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) based
method to identify phytoplankton such as cyanobacteria, green
algae, etc [12]. Vinayak and Gautam used DNA barcoding to
identify diatom species by using short standardized DNA region
[13]. Chen et al. classified a supplementary method of classifying
the single diatom cells by using the V4 region of 18S rDNA
[14]. DNA based techniques are effective in identifying the diatom
species than other morphological based methods. However,
the use of DNA sequencing in forensic cases is limited asthese
methods require expensive reagents and instruments which may
not be available in forensics laboratories. Zhao et al. developed
Microwave-Vacuum Filtration-Automated Scanning Electron Microscopy
(MD-VF-Auto SEM) method. In this method, the SEM
system automatically scans filter fields from the vacuum and takes
pictures of the fields for quantitative and qualitative analysis. The
limitation of this method is that the microwave digestion device
and electron microscope are not commonly available in conventional
forensic laboratories [15]. Some earlier studies conducted
on the diatom test directly utilized tissue samples for microscopic
examination, but with the intervention of new technologies; the
diatom test has also been standardized. However, several methods
for digestion of human tissues have been presented in the
literature, but they have some limitations. The commonly used
method is the acid digestion test using nitric acid which is still
widely used for the detection of diatoms. The conventional acid
digestion method is a laborious, hazardous and time consuming.
The integrity of diatom structure is destroyed due to the harsh
nature of the chemicals used in this method. The retrieval of literature
showed that there is no study having such a large sample
of human tissue digestion by modified reverse aqua regia till
date. The new method is advancement in forensic diatom tests for
identification and classification of diatoms.
Material and Methods
This study was conducted on samples of 66 cases of drowning
deaths received for examination at Regional Forensic Science
Laboratory (RFSL) from January 2016 to December 2018. The
diatom extraction of the samples was done by using the conventional
acid digestion method and newly developed, tested and
validated modified reverse aqua regia digestion method. In case
of conventional acid digestion method, the material was extracted
from the human lung tissues and bone marrow samples. 50 ml. of
nitric acid was added to the beaker containing extracted material
and kept for simmering on a hot plate at 60-700C for 48 hours
in a fume hood. The material extracted was centrifuged thrice at
4000 rpm for 10 minutes and washed with double distilled water
and finally with ethanol. The acid-resistant extracted material was
isolated and control water samples were spread on a glass slide,
dried in an oven, and examined microscopically.
The modified reverse aqua regia digestion method which was
developed at RFSL, Northern Range, Dharamshala, Himachal
Pradesh, India. The diatom extraction was done from lung tissue
samples and bone marrow. The bones (femur and sternum) were
cut using a clean band saw and the bone marrow was scooped out
by using a spatula. The lung tissue samples and bone marrow were
digested by mixing 15 ml of analytical grade concentrated HNO3
and 5 ml of HCl in a ratio 3:1 in 5-10 g of tissue samples (lungs
and bone marrow), placed into a boiling flask and kept on the
hot plate for simmering at 60-700C without interruption approximately
for two hours in an acid digestion block. The fat layer of
organic matter was removed and the suspension was taken in to
a test tube for centrifugation. The extracted samples were centrifuged
at 4000 rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant was removed
and the deposit retained was washed twice with distilled water
using centrifugation and finally twice with ethanol. The distilled
water removes the extra residual particles and ethanol increases
the clarity in the anatomical structure of diatoms. The supernatant
was discarded and the residues were transferred on a clean
glass slide by using a disposable micropipette, dried in an oven
and examined under a microscope at a magnification of 400 as
shown in figure 1.
After microscopic observation of both samples of conventional and modified reverse aqua regia method, intra and inter comparison was done between the diatoms present in the digested material extracted from a biological specimen. The qualitative, quantitative, and morphological aspects of every sample of diatoms were recorded to study the utility and validity of both the diatom extraction methods. A comparison was done between both the methods. Validation of new digestive method was done by inter laboratory comparisonand similar results were obtained.
In the present study, on comparing both the digestion methods,
it was found that the newly developed method was less time consuming
having higher digestive capability and higher recovery of
diatoms with clear morphological features, where as conventional
method took more time, affected the siliceous cell wall of diatoms
and gave poor results in identification. The new method for detecting
diatoms in human tissues took about 2-3 hours for analysis
where as conventional method took at least 48 hours. The integrity
of diatom structure was not disturbed as it remained intact
after the digestion process with a clear background with less impurity
as shown in figure 2.
Figure 2: Microscopic images of diatoms under 400x and comparison of residues by using conventional acid digestion method and modified reverse aqua regia digestion method.
There was no or minimal loss of diatoms in this new method. The modified reverse aqua regia is a corrosive mixture of 3 parts of HNO3 + 1 part of HCl by volumes of concentrated reagents. Nitric acid is an excellent oxidizing agent which allows the organic matter digested faster. When nitric acid and hydrochloric acid are mixed, the chemical reaction that ensued was as:
3HNO3 + HCl ? [H2 ((N3O9) Cl)) ]
2H2 + N3O9Cl
Some modified strong acid digestion methods are in use in forensic
procedures. The modified reverse aqua regia method is a
quick, simple and economical technique of diatom extraction and
detection from human bone marrow and tissues samples. The digestive
ability of the modified reverse aqua regia method was very
strong as the structure of diatoms remained almost intact and
showed clear diatom identification. In this newly developed method,
remarkable collection showing morphological and anatomical
features of diatoms of different genera were seen. These results
showed that the modified reverse aqua regia could detect sufficient
numbers and types of diatoms in small samples even. The conventional
method of acid digestion is time-consuming and laborious
method. It destroys the integrity of the diatom structure, thus
often leading to false negative results. The conventional forensic
diatom tests are not a useful tool to provide accurate information
about diatoms. The results of our study were in line with the
results of Wang et al. whotested lefort aqua regia method on animal
tissue samples and showed that the lefort aqua regia digestion
method had a superior digestive ability with higher recovery rate
and less damage than the conventional acid digestion method. In
thestudy of Wand et al., they used 15ml of concentrated HNO3
with 5ml of concentrated HCl added in succession, then 2ml of
H2O2 was dripping in the solution at the rate of 1 drop per 3 sec.
The samples were left undisturbed for 15 minutes and then were
put into the thermostatic water tank at 85°C for 50 minutes, and
during heating, another 3 mL of H2O2 was added at the rate of 1 drop per 3 seconds [16]. Fucci developed a method by taking
30% H2SO4 and then treated the samples with diluted solution
which has an advantage over the classical method. The advantage
of this method was that there was a decrease in the presence of
destroyed diatoms fragments. The study showed that the classical
acid digestion method used for the detection of diatoms was very
aggressive and destroyed the diatoms frustules [17].
Modified reverse aqua regia method took veryless time in detecting
diatoms present in human tissues than the previous techniques
as the samples were analyzed within 2-3 hours. Take ichi and Kitamura
in their study showed that formalin-fixed samples can also
be used for the detection of diatoms by using enzymatic digestion
method. The lungs samples were heated in 0.01 M Tris-HCl
buffer (pH 7.5) containing sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) with or
without glycine, then the lungs samples were subjected to enzymatic
digestion with proteinase K, after wards the samples were
heated at 800C for 6-12 hour and then the samples were analyzed
microscopically. They reported that the incubation of digested
samples with this method was more appropriate for qualitative
and quantitative analysis of diatom. The morphology of diatoms
was preserved [18]. Kakizaki et al. used in expensive reagents such
as papain, SDS, and 5 N HCl for extracting diatoms from lung,
kidney, and liver tissues and extracted diatoms from tissue samples
within 3-5 h.Kakizaki et al. also proposed that the digestion
efficiency of papain is better than proteinase K [19].
In modified reverse aqua regia digestion method, the structures
of diatoms remained almost intact with a high reclamation rate
and were identified with clear striations as compared to the conventional
method. Ming et al. in their study compared four digestive
methods (nitric acid plus hydrogen peroxide, proteinase K,
nitric acid in disorganization can and toluene-350) and showed
that the structure of diatoms under the scanning electron microscope
(SEM) remained perfect after digestion with proteinase K,
but was found to be destructive to some extent in case ofnitric
acid plus hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid in disorganization can
and toluene-350 method. They showed that the diatoms extracted
from the proteinase K method had a higher recovery rate and
produced more satisfactory results with fewer samples and caused
less pollution butthe proteinase K method is too expensive to use
for diatom testing [20]. DiGiancamillo et al. used a new method
with HCl to digest the pig tissues for diatom testing and compared
the method to other chemical and enzymatic digestion methods
such as H2O2+HCl, H2SO4+HNO3, Pronase+Pancreatine and
Proteinase K+Pancreatineand reported that HCl method was a
more simple, safe, inexpensive, less time consuming with minimal
organic residue [21].
Kakizaki and Yukawa in their study proposed a new protocol
(rapid enzymatic digestion method) for solubilizing lung tissue
sample by using Qiagen proteinase K, Qiagen buffer ATL and
5N HCl within 3 hours. There is limitation in rapid enzymatic
digestion method as this method can only be used for small samples
of lung tissue, as diatoms are found in ample amount in lungs
and not in enclosed organs such as kidney and liver. The numbers
and variations in types of diatoms are low in such organs and
the method is more expensive and impractical for routine testing
in laboratories [22]. Ludes et al. treated organs samples with
chemicaldigestion by using nitric acid, enzymatic digestion by using
proteinase K and ashing method. Ludes et al. reported that
enzymatic digestion method was the more rapid, safe and environment
friendly but this method takes eight hours for digestion
of liver, lung, kidney and brain samples [23]. The modified reverse
aqua regia method was very economical, less time consuming
and environment friendly as compared to other methods such as
H2SO4, nitric acid, chemical and enzymatic digestion using nitric
acid and proteinase K, enzymatic digestion with proteinase
K, papain, HCl, rapid enzymatic digestion, nitric acid plus hydrogen
peroxide, nitric acid in disorganization can and toluene-350
method. All these methods of diatom extraction had different
methodology and were comparatively expensive.
In the present study, we detected 15-18 diatoms/100 µl of a pellet
in 5-10 gm of lung samples and 30-35 diatoms from the bone
marrow of femur and sternum bones. The diatom analysis was
considered positive when the number of diatoms was above a
minimal established limit i.e., 20 diatoms/100 µl of a pellet obtained
from 10 gm of lung samples and 50 diatoms from other organs
[24]. The presence of diatoms in lung tissues and bone marrow
streng then the supportive evidence that the person was alive
at the time of drowning. Further matching of diatoms from lung
tissues and bone marrow strengthens this supportive evidence
and a positive conclusion may be drawn whether the person was
living or not when drowned. Ludeset al. reported that in cases of
suspected drowning, 20 diatoms from a 10g of lung sample or
five complete diatoms from other organs, including bone marrow
are normally required for a positive diagnosis [25].
The modified reverse aqua regia acid digestion method is a simple
and considerably fast standardized technique with a higher
success rate of diatom extraction within 2-3 hours which may
become the gold standard in forensic diatomology. The recovery
rate of modified reverse aqua regia acid digestion method is superior
to the conventional acid digestion method. The new procedure
improves the stability and ensures the complete extraction
of diatom from the sample and gives the best in sight into the
identification of morphological features of diatoms.
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