Antiviral Drugs, Advanced Nanomaterials And Tools Conjugates For Intervention in Viral Infection and Future Prospective
Rajiv Kumar*
NIET, National Institute of Medical Science, India.
*Corresponding Author
Rajiv Kumar,
NIET, National Institute of Medical Science, India.
Tel: 9810742944
Fax: 01234276530
Received:September 14, 2021; Accepted: December 15, 2021; Published: December 20, 2021
Citation: Rajiv Kumar. Antiviral Drugs, Advanced Nanomaterials And Tools Conjugates For Intervention in Viral Infection and Future Prospective. Int J Clin Trails Case Stud. 2021;04(01):20-21.
Copyright: Rajiv Kumar© 2021. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Based on recent advances in antiviral biomaterials science, various
biomaterials have been suggested that displayed promising
efficiencies against viral infection by inhibiting viral impact, interfering
with viral nucleic acid replication, and blocking the viral
release from infected cells.[1] A multi-target virtual screening
strategy has been developed to detect the antiviral activity of
compounds, as host-directed FDA-approved was testified and
displayed an antiviral activity against sars-cov-2 were reported.[2]
Mechanistically, nanodiscs rupture the viral envelope, via trapping
viral RNAs inside the endolysosome for enzymatic decomposition
and inhibit influenza virus infection.[3] Quantum and nanoscience
enabled nanomaterials have been developed for virus
detection, and vaccine design and their essential role in antiviral
strategies for COVID-19 was elobrated.[4] Antiviral performance
of nanomaterials with an emphasis on graphene and its derivatives,
including graphene oxide, reduced graphene oxide, and
graphene quantum dotshave been verified against COVID-19.[5]
Antiviral potential of nanoparticles, including silver, gold, dendrimers,
polymers, quantum dots, organic nanoparticles, and liposomes
were testifiedfor detecting their antiviral potential, and
the effects of nanoparticles on coronaviruses was judged and
found applicable against against coronaviruses.[6] Carbon-based
nanomaterials have displayed good biocompatibility and antiviral
properties and thus carbon-based antiviral nanomaterials were
mixed with graphene and fullerenes for enhancing their antiviral
properties.[7] Furthermore, several other nanomaterials were
described as delivery vehicles for the antiviral drugs and therefore,
nanotechnology-based antiviral therapeutics were employed
to inhibit concerned proteins of influenza, Ebola, Zika, dengue,
HIV, herpes, and coronavirus during replication into the host
cells.[8] Simultaneously, a review article has been published on
a nanotechnology-based approach to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and
for their speedy mitigation.[9] Antiviral efficacy of drugs were
testified against middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus
(MERS-CoV) to inhibit its replication, inflammatory cytokines,
and chemokines for treating MERS-CoV pathogenesis.[10] Advances
in antiviral material developments have been covered the
research on advances in terms of innovative materials that can
exhibit antiviral activities.These types of advantageson the fastdeveloping
nanotechnology and biopolymer technology have
been described in a review article that has already been published
recently.[11]Radiolabeled antiviral drugs and antibodies were reported
for virus-specific imaging probes.[12] Moreover, manotechnology
offers versatile chemical functionalization to create
advanced biomedical tools for prevention, detection, therapy, and
immunomodulation that also provides insights on the applicability
of nanotechnology for treating COVID-19.[13] Nanopores
enabling label-free detection and measurements of RNA conformation
have been done for probing the structure of various RNA
motifs, and conformational analysis of a viral RNA drug target.
[14] Icosahedral canvas and shells have been reported that carried
viral trapping and antiviral properties and programmable triangular
building blocks containing DNA applied for virus trapping.
[15] The treatment of viral conjunctivitis with antiviral drugs was
testified and interestingly, most of the antiviral drugs were found
effective against herpesvirus infections.[16] Anti-viral potential of
metallic nanoparticles was reported as drug carriers and diagnostic
agents. These therapeutics are found sustainable and good in
the targeted delivery of active anti-viral molecules. These nanotools
and devices allowed rapid and sensitive diagnosis of viral
infections against novel coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19).[17]
The role of nanotechnology and nanosized materials in the treatment
of viral infections was reviewed [18] along with nanotechnology-
based antiviral therapeutics.[8] Neoglycoproteins were
described as carriers for treating antiviral drugs, and analysis of
protein-drug conjugates were further elobrated.[19] Conjugation
of adenine arabinoside 5'-monophosphate was developed and the
synthesis, characterization, and antiviral activity were published
accordingly.[20] Therapeutic potential of antiviral drugs was de scribed for targeting chemorefractory colorectal adenocarcinoma
cells and are useful in overexpressing endogenous retroviral elements.
These antiviral compounds improve patient outcomes.[21]
Moreover, the stimulation of innate immunity was observed by
pattern-recognition receptor agonists that can lead towards the
upregulation of antiviral cytokine expression and contribute to
HBV containment. Immune checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive
transfer of genetically engineered T cells were utilized to explore
better understanding of HBV-specific T-cell responses. These illustrations
are opening new avenues toward a new era of development
of hepatitis B virus therapeutics that are capable of curing
it.[22] Discovery of a novel specific inhibitor targeting influenza
was testifiedas an antiviral drug for treating IAV infection and
inhibitory effects on various steps of the viral life cycle was discussed.[
23] For fighting against COVID-19, minimizing the risk
of the infection, the development of the antiviral coating was
reported and that should be necessarily applied on the surface
to prevent the spread of the viral particles and also it is effective
in inactivation of the transmission of the viruses.[24] Multifunctional
dendritic sialopolymersomes were reported as potential antiviral
agents and their lectin binding and drug release properties
were conferred.[25] Antiviral efficacy of favipiravir has been reported
and found effective for inhibiting viral replication induced
by canine distemper virus infection.[26] Antiviral agents such as
enzyme immunoassay havetestified to inhibit virus-specific, peroxidase-
labeled monoclonal antibodies.[27] Antiviral drug resistance
of human cytomegalovirus was elaborated in review article.
[28] Therapeutic applications of nucleic acid aptamers were employed
in treating microbial infections, and their promising antibiofilm
and antimicrobial activities in microbial infections were
also reported.[29] The published research and review articles are
motivating further research and developments, yet overall investigated
and up-to-date information on antiviral biomaterials are insufficient,
and therefore by highlighting current research findings,
emerging opportunities and bottleneck scan be marked.
Author (Rajiv Kumar) gratefully acknowledges his younger brother Bitto for motivation.
Availability Of Data And Materials
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