Regulation of Voice Development in Childhood and Puberty, A Review
Pedersen M1*, Larsen C2
1 Medical Centre, Østergade 18, 1, 1100, Copenhagen, Denmark.
2 Copenhagen Business School, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark.
*Corresponding Author
Mette Pedersen,
Medical Centre, Østergade 18, 1, 1100, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Tel: +45 31 12 61 84
Received: November 04, 2020; Accepted: November 10, 2020; Published: November 18, 2020
Citation: Pedersen M, Larsen C. Regulation of Voice Development in Childhood and Puberty, A Review. Int J Clin Exp Otolaryngol. 2020;6(6):128-137. doi:
Copyright: Mette Pedersen©2020. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Our aim with this systematic review was to get further knowledge of the biological background of the normal human voice production. The search included genetics and brain development related to voice production as well as hormones. Only 18 papers were found in a search made by the library of the Royal English Society of Medicine, We supplemented the systematic search with references, found in papers that did have interesting information even if no voice production measures were found.
Voice analysis included the quantitative GAT (glottal analysis tools), OCT (optical coherence tomography) and deep learning research on the vocal folds. The sexual hormones were discussed, as well as the genetic development of voice production, regulated from the hypothalamus probably related to growth hormone. The primitive integratingvoice production centre placed in the motor cortex located over the hand in the homunculus is discussed. Two signal processing brain functions for voice production of voluntary and involuntary processing have different developmental aspects. Updated results of fMRI brain studies are referred to as well as results of tissue examinations.
All these findings are important in the future. Advanced quantitative voice production analysis based on huge amounts of sound information can be combined with artificial intelligence methods totreat voice production deficiencies. In this way developmental disorders of voice production could be diagnosed and treated better.
3.Materials and Methods
Voice; Development; Childhood; Puberty; Brain; Hormones; Genetics.
Adolescence is a challenging time of voice production change,
normally and in pathology. The understanding of brain development
related to normal voice production development in
adolescence and hormonal changes based on genetic stimulation
should be updated. Stroboscopy and electroglottography have not
achieved quantitative reliable results of voice production usable
with Artificial intelligence [1-3]. The technical methods for measuring
voice production quantitatively include highspeed films
combined with analysis programs, e.g. Glottal Analysis Tools
(GAT). Convolution networks analysis of highspeed films with
4000 pictures per second is used in the clinical setting as well as
optical coherence tomography (OCT) [4-6]. These methods with
high amounts of input information of voice production should
be related to other biological measurements, e.g. genetic- hormonal-
and brain development.
The aim of the systematic review was to study the relation between
measurement of exact voice production development (fundamental
frequency and phonetograms), adrenarche and pubertal
changes related to hormonal development [7, 8] - to open up
for supplementary understanding voice and brain function at the
level of genetics. Voice production measurements should be an
integrated part in pathology e.g. genetic malformations including
cochlear implants [9] as well supplement the very arbitrary definition
of pubertal voice break, as it is made in research even now a
days by clients ‘self-evaluation.
The systematic search for voice, genetics and cerebral development
made by the library of the English Royal Society of Medicine
(RSM) at the end only included 9 hand searched papers for
the last 10 years, three of them were related to adolescence. English language or foreign language article with an English abstract,
human studies and including conference abstracts in Embase
were searched (Table 1). (Medline, Embase and hand search 27
March 2020).
The same was also the case for the other search of voice, hormonal, and gender development (Table 2). (Medline, Embase and hand search 9 April 2020). The amount of papers that included voice studies was small, 9, hereof 4 were related to adolescence for the last 10 years. Therefore, we included our own intensive search of other papers often based on reference lists in studies of other subjects - that could be relevant for understanding braingenetic and pubertal-hormonal development in adolescence also without voice measurements.
The technical evidence-based measurement of various parameters in the complex area of voice has achieved acceptance in recent years [1, 2, 8]. However important objective parameters of normal voice in adolescence may be, they are especially so when pathological deviations must be recognised and defined. It is also possible to a certain extent to describe different qualities of normal voice development in terms of measurable parameters [1].
Regarding Voice analysis, our earlier studies of the child voice - boys and girls, was investigated in a stratified study with phonetograms (voice range profiles) and fundamental frequency (F0) in running speech while reading a standard text. The methods were based on development and evaluation of the function of phonetograph 8301 made by the firm Voice Profile. It was combined with electroglottographic and stroboscopic examination of the movements of the vocal folds in speech. 2,000 consecutive stable electroglottographic cycles were measured in 48 boys and 47 girls, aged 8–19 years, to measure fundamental frequency in a standard reading situation. The method for variation in the fundamental frequency by analysis of the electroglottographic histogram configuration was based on the method by Abberton and Fourchin [9]. The voice analysis was compared with measurements of pubertal stages in youngsters and hormonal analysis of all androgens and in girls, also oestrogens.
Regarding Hormonal Status and Pubertal Analysis,the logarithmic criteria that were used, based on geometric cross sections, are considerably stricter than the linear ones. A one-way multivariate analysis was performed, using the fundamental frequency of the speaking voice as classifier to determine whether there were differences between the various groups. For all variables we determined the correlation coefficients, to be able to calculate the relationships between them and their dependency on age by using the partial correlation coefficients. The BMDP (Biomedical Data Pack, UCLA) statistical program was used. In the phonetograms in boys the lower tone descended, and in the girls the tone range during speech widened - the lowering of the SHBG predicted the voice change in boys, and height and oestradiol predicted the log(tone range) in speech. A linear correlation coefficient of SHBG and menarche (1st bleeding period) was found.
The brain development of voice related areas in adolescence is
mostly genetic. At the beginning the reactivation of the hypothalamic
hypophysis gonad axis is a result of a complex network of
genes, neurotransmitters, and neuronal interactions in the hypothalamus.
It all begins from the nasal placode where from GnRH
(gonadotropin releasing hormone) neurons migrated to hypothalamus
(Fig. 1) [10, 11].
Figur 1. Presents an overview of the genes involved in puberty regulation with hypothalamus in the centre. The development starts from the nasal placode in the foetus with development and integration of GnRH neurons (gonadotropin releasing hormone expressing neurons).
Brain related voice production research was made by Ludlow [12]. Input and ongoing voice modulation is from the posterior superior temporal gyrus (PSTG) as well as from the supplementary motor area (SMA) and Insula (Fig. 2). Output from the primitive integrative vocalization centre (VOC) was shown by Penfield and Roberts [13]. Black lines in Fig 2 are for the direct pathway via the corticobulbar pathway and the cerebellum (CBL) bilaterally. Grey lines show the pathway from VOC to the cingulate, amygdala nucleus (AM) periaqueductal grey (PAG) the pons and the reticular area in the medulla with input to nucleus ambiguous (NA) on both side of the brain. Human emotionally based vocalisation and volitional voice production have shown more integration than previously proposed- It should be noted that reflexive as well as learned voice production – not involuntary speech – have a common system. Fig.3 is referring to Penfield and Roberts [13] who showed the primitive integrated voice production area in the motor cortex. Planning for brain function of speech production and executional loop for speech have their own discrete pathway, [9, 14] as referred to in Phoniatrics I (2020).Development of voluntary laryngeal control has been argued to be key innervation in the evolution of language. Humans have the described direct cortical innervation of motor neurons controlling the larynx when non-human primates do not. The brain also has cortical circuits for controlling the efferent signals.
Figur 2. Input and ongoing modulation is from the posterior superior temporal gyrus (pSTG under the VOC) as well as from the supplementary motor area (SMA) and Insula. Output from the primary integrative vocalisation centre (VOC). Black lines are the direct pathway via the corticobulbar pathway and the cerebellum (CBL) bilaterally. Grey lines show the pathway from VOC to the cingulate, nucleus amygdalae (AM), periaqueductal Gray (PAG), the pons and the reticular area in the medulla with input to nucleus ambiguous (NA) on both sides of the brain. From there to the vagus nerve.
McCarthy [15] described in her book, the development of sex and the brain in animals’ vs humans. Animal studies are not directly useable in voice studies of humans. This is also the case for Perrodin C. et al., [16], Zaqout S.I and Al-Hussain S.M. [17]. Xie Y. and Dorsky R.I. [18] show the development of brain incl. hypothalamus across vertebrate species. The knowledge of human subcortical development is summarized by Abbott and Burkitt [19]. The division between voluntary and emotional regulation of voice is difficult as discussed by Ludlow [20].
There are basic brain research areas of voice perception, and the vocal consequences of modulation of speech. These are not in our focus, which is also the case for pathology- and singing- in this overview of updating our knowledge of development of the normal voice [21-27]. Other nearby areas of research are related to the fetal and newborn development of voice processing in the brain [28-32]. Rosseli et al., [33] have made a review of language development across lifespan with a neuropsychological/neuroimaging perspective. Many related areas are incorporated in the research to understand development of voice production.
An overview of genetic voice disorders was earlier made [9]. The
main reason for this work was that genetic pathology of human
development mostly involves voice disorders. The importance of
this study was underlined by Sataloff [20]. E.g.voice research in
cochlear implants of genetic deafness is seldom randomised [34].
There is a genetic mix of research in the field: Animal studies,
new-born studies, pubertal pathology studies, among others. Genetic
factors influence vocal quality development but only narratively
described in the literature [20].
An overview of the gene FOXP2 has been given [35]. Languageimpairment
has been found to be associated with FOXP2 encoded
regulatory proteins. Day F et al., [36] recognises the biological
genetic mechanisms and timing of puberty as important. In the
recent large-scale genome wide female developmental study 389
statistically independent signals were found distributed across all
23 chromosome pairs. According to Hollis et al [37], in a male
study, 76 independent genetic signals for male puberty was described.
The authors found that genetically the voice break in
boys was related to menarche in girls. Day et al., [38] also found
2 genes reportedly disrupted in rare disorders of puberty: LEPR
and KAL1. Genetic correlations indicated shared aetiologies in
both sexes between puberty timing, body mass and other phenomena.
Renes et al., [39] describes the dependency of Growth
Hormone on normal functions of Growth receptor hormones
based on a gene on chromosome 5. Gonadotropin releasing hormone
(GnRH) is active in many connections, Forni et al., [40].
The importance of understanding the relation between GnRH
and among others fibroblast growth factor was described by Cho
[11], the development of GnRH is important for the functional
reproductive systems in vertebrates including PAX6, SOX2 and FOXG1. Kotler J and Haig [41] focus on anthropology in the
difference between vertebrates. A cluster of imprinted genes on
human chromosomes 15 and 14, genetic variants in DLK1 are
associated with menarche timing in girls and voice break in boys
and pathology thereof.
Lardone et al., [42] comment that voice break is a landmark of advanced
male puberty in genome wide association studies and have
revealed that pubertal timing in a highly polygenetic trait. They refer
that although voice breaks are easily recorded in large cohorts,
it holds quite low precision as a marker of puberty, 29 significant
and independent single nucleotide polymorphisms were extracted
associated with age at voice break. In contrast gonadarche and
pubarche are earlier and clinically well-defined measures of puberty
onset. The genetic and epigenetic approach to puberty is
probably important for future aspects as examples in twins for specific hormonal disorders e.g. SOX3 [43, 44]. Schriberg et al.,
[45] have an important updated overview of percentages of neurodevelopmental
disorders of speech/motor-speech.
Based on studies in primates, Aboitiz [46] propose a continuous
evolution for the auditory vocal apparatus. The articulatory loop
also refers to the phonological loop with direct cortical control of
the vocal fold musculature and the consolidation of an auditoryarticulatory
circuit, encompassing auditory areas in the temporoparietal
junction and prefrontal and motor areas in the frontal
lope. The connection between the anatomical and genetical understanding
is still to be developed [46].
Based on the review of the literature voice development and hormonal
and other pubertal areascould be enlightened. Wierenga
et al., [47] show with fMRI that the onset of adolescence give
rise to increase in putamen and pallidum volumes and decrease
in nucleus accumbens and thalamus volumes with larger volumes
in males, andthe caudate nucleus, pallidum and hippocampal volumes
in females, related to chronological age. Changes in testosterone
level were related to development of pallidum, accumbens,
hippocampus and amygdala volumes in males and caudate and
hippocampal volumes in females. The modeling interaction between
pubertal maturation and chronological age seemed to be
sex specific.
Etchell et al., [48] admit that sex differences in childhood language
development is unclear - in a review of 46 published studies
they conclude that sex differences may be more prominent during
certain developmental stages due to different rates of maturation
between the sexes. They admit that more research is needed to
understand the influence of sex hormones and developmental
stages. They notice that sex differences in brain structure and
function do not necessarily lead to differences in language task
performance, and evidence for sex differences in brain and language
development are limited, when present, sex differences often
interact with a variety of factors such as age and task.
The historic definition of puberty stages 1-5 is referring to Marshall
and Tanner [49, 50]. Brook [51, 52] finds in boys “voice
break” and “voice change” in stage 3-4 , none in girls - “instead”
menarche is given in stage 4.
Styne [53] made a thorough overview of puberty phenomena referring
to Tanner, including genetics, hormones etc, voice is not
discussed. This is also the case in another survey of puberty by
Sultan et al., [10]. The author state that puberty cannot be perceived
as a solitary event, they discuss basic genetic changes, and
hormonal changes as well as brain changes as earlier referred to
in this paper. The concepts are of: 1. adrenarche (of production
DHEAS and androstenedione in the adrenals) 2. thelarche,
breast development 3. menarche, beginning of menstruation, 4.
pubarche, pubic hair development, 5. gonadarche, secondary sex
characteristics. Styne [53] also discusses prepubertal values of serum
hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and estradioe/ estradiol
as general guidelines for prepubertal stage. They point out that
the pubertal stages are determined by hormones, and that most
of the circulating estradiol and testosterone is associated with
SHBG and that prepubertal boys and girls have equal concentration
of SHBG.
Henick and Sataloff [20] refer that the mutational voice is between
12,5 and 14 years of age and that the vocal folds in males at
16 years of age are 18-24 mmm long with a fundamental (Fo) of
130 Hertz. In girls, 16 years of age the vocal folds are 15-20mm
long and fundamental frequency (Fo) is 220-225. At 6-12 years
the vocal folds have two layers, at 16 years the vocal folds have
three layers, which is documented with optical coherence tomography
[54]. The prevalence of voice problems in the United States
are 1.4% +/- 0.1%, [55]. Busch et al., [56] still described “voice
break” recurring at 13,6 years (13,5-13,8 years of age). The voice
breaks was self-evaluated and corresponded to testis size 11,8 mm
(4-20 mm) and genital stage 3 (stage 2-5).
In pathology voice production related to puberty should be much
more focused upon, as earlier mentioned e.g. in cochlear implants
and in many other developmental disorders e.g. Turner syndrome
[57, 58].
In adults there seems now to be an acceptance of the functional
connectivity of among others, periaqueductal grey (PAG) with
core limbic system and laryngeal cortico-motor structures during
human phonation, divided in volitional and non-volitional phonation
(see Fig. 2 and Fig.3).Galgano et al., [60] states the importance
hereof. Holstege&Subramanian [61] underline that only humans
can speak because, via the lateral components of the volitional or
somatic motor system, they are able to modulate vocalization into
words and sentences by activation of the prefrontal area, PAG,
and caudal medullary nucleus retro ambiguous (NRA). NRA is
the only cell group that has direct access to the motor neurons
involved in vocalizations. Guenther [61] suggests that new speech
sounds are learned by storing an auditory target of the sound and then using the auditory feedback control system to control
production. Vocal brain control in adults is to some extent agreed
upon [62-64]. This research of vocal brain control is also referring
to animal studies [65, 66].
Figur 3. The primary integrative vocalisation centre in the motor cortex – located over the hand regulator – on both sides of the brain.
With fMRI studies, an interesting understanding of brain development includes analysis of voice processing development, focusing on the temporal-parietal cortex and posterior cingulate/ cingulate gyrus decreasing in size during development, while the left posterior and right middle superior temporal regions significantly enlarge [25]. On a large-scale chart for developmental changes in the brain, a focus will be on the pubertal period from 9-17 years of age, and structural plus functional activity will be compared with pubertal hormones and pubertal development [67]. The understanding of the developmental functional synaptic structures is of great interest, Vasung et al., [68] conclude that it remains unclear how among others metabolic demands influence the development.
There was a change of understanding of the human voice with
the vowel research made by Peterson and Barney [69]. Much has
happened since. Fant [70] in his book of acoustic theory of voice
production and Carlson and Fant [71, 72] discussed the isolated
vowels. Studies have been made of the role of formants overtone
maxima in children [73]. Another important approach is the
study of the development of resonances in speech and singing as
well. It seems that controlling the acoustic resonances of the vocal
tract is an important skill mastered by nearly all children when
learning to speak - they learn to move tongue and jaw, lips and
soft palate to adjust to vowels and some consonants [74]. Fuchs
et al., [75] underline the influence of singing activity on subjects’
voice perception and use of voice in childhood and adolescence.
Recently Howard et al., [76] are focusing on voice changes in females
in puberty as part of a longitudinal study of female choristers.
This is since all major cathedrals nowadays have choirs of
both boys and girls.
There are many ways of helping youngsters understanding their
voices. One is highspeed films where quantitative analysis in typical
child populations is of help to illustrate vocal fold movement
[77]. Patel [78] analysed children 5-11 years of age with recordings
of 30 cycles each and compared them to adults. Children had
faster closing phases of the vocal folds, confirming differences
found between children and adults by Döllinger et al., [79]. The
sex hormone receptors in vocal folds have been focused upon
by Nacci et al., [80] but were seldom found. The authors speculate
that the changes of voice according to gender throughout
life might be linked with a different expression of some growth
factor in the laryngeal tissue and that this expression might in turn
be influenced by hormonal variation. Interesting is a study from
Sato et al., [81] showing that the vocal fold mucosa, unphonetic,
without voice, two cerebral palsy children (7 and 12 years old) did
not have a vocal ligament, lamina propria appeared as a uniform
structure, vocal fold stellate cells synthesized fewer extracellular
matrix substances such as fibrous protein and glycosaminoglycan.
Adrenarche encloses the period just before puberty. Adolescence
is the period before the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult. World Health Organisation
(WHO) gives 10-19 years for the period. Young people
were referred to as being 10-24 years of age. Adrenarche encloses
the change of the outer layers of adrenals related to pubic and
axillary hair. In a recent large scale genomic study conducted on
pubertal development it is clear that genetic timing and age of
menarche are relevant, Sultan et al., [10] underlines that the onset
of puberty is determined by genetic heritability and neuroendocrine
factors (modulated by general health, nutritional adequacy,
exercise and environmental chemicals). Styne [53] has an overview.
Guran et al., [82] measured the age and DHEA-S secretion
in healthy children at adrenarche, where DHEA-S concentration
over 108,4 nm/L (40 ug/mL) were regarded as adrenarche at 8
years of age in girls and 7 years for boys. Dörr et al., [83] confirm
that DHEA-S were higher in Turner girls without growth hormone
therapy, but that the time of adrenarche were the same with
or without hormone therapy.
The interests in society in advancing measuring for understanding
the voice is referring to hormonal and pubertal changes. Certainly,
brain research is part hereof as is the case in many other scientific
areas. Whittle et al., [84] focus on adrenarche timing on brain
function,in the study of early adrenarche defined by high DHEAS
independent of age of effects on brain function. 83 children,
mean age 9,53 (SD 0,34) hereof, 43 female were examined, and a
higher DHEA level was associated with decreased affect related
activity in the mid-cingulate cortex in the whole sample, and in
a number of cortical and sub cortical regions in females. Higher
DHEA levels were also associated with increased externalizing
psychological symptoms in females that were partly mediated
by posterior-insula activation. The author suggests that timing
of adrenarche is an important moderator of affect related brain
function. Barendse et al., [85] confirm that adrenarche changes
in the brain structures are prior to godanarche. In a longitudinal
study of DHEA/ DHEA-S and testosterone on fMRI at 9 years,
high DHEA suggested negative association with white matter
microstructure. Higher values were also related to anxiety symptoms
through an effect on amygdala and inferior frontal gyrus.
Testosterone was related to the development of white matter.
Development of voice production should be much more exact
than self-reported voice breakto compare to other parts of body
development and pathology [56]. Specific focus on voice development
in treated adrenal cortical tumours was made in 9 adults and
10 adolescents female were F0 was reduced to 132 Hertz in 1 and
F0 to 165/168 Hz respectively in two subjects. The majority had
normal F0, from 189 to 245 Hz [86].
There are some aspects of early development that influence the
voice related hormonal situation in pubertal youngsters: Especially
the “mini-puberty” around birth and growth hormones. A
problem is that a lot of research on hormones is on primates/
non-humans, which means that even if some results are common
– when it comes to human voice, they can probably not be used.
For the “mini-puberty” around perinatal life it is important to understand
that peripheral hormones in blood serum are regulators
in a transitory hormone surge that is comparable in its extent to
puberty [87, 88]. In the same group, Quast et al., [89] even found a
robust positive relationship between four week concentration of
estradiol and individual articulatory skills, in contrast testosterone
concentrations at 5 months negatively correlated with articulatory skills at the same age in both boys and girls. Borysiak et al., [90]
noted that F0 properties were correlated to average serum levels
of bio available estradiol (E2) (mean E2/SHBG and testosterone/
mean testosterone across the second month of life. They interpreted
the results as indication of E2 influence on viscoelastic
properties of vocal folds.
Aguiar-Oliveira et al., [91] present a study on humans with IGHG
gene-type 18 owing to a mutation of Growth hormone receptor
hormone gene (GnRHr) with severe reduction of growth hormone
which also resulted in voices that were high-pitched. Valenca
[92] and their group also found in untreated isolated growth
deficiencies that most voices had higher formant frequencies
than normal, with a prepubertal acoustical structure. De Andrade
[93] and their group showed that voice problems in patients with
growth hormone deficiency could be improved with the voice
therapy of semi occluded vocal tract voice training.
When it comes to human voice, non-human studies still can
be necessary. In rats [94, 95] a study was made on the role of
voice change on the vocal folds, especially the extracellular matrix
(ECM) in vocal fold lamina propria. The hyaluronic acid decreased
in ovariectomized rats. The collagen-1 was lowered, this
was also the case of collagen-3 later in the observational period.
Elastin was less dense in the same rats. They suggest that the vocal
folds are an estrogen sensitive target organ.
The sexual forms of nuclei in arcuate- and antero-ventral- periventricular
nuclei account for the differential behavior of the hypothalamic-
pituitary-gonadal axis between genders [96]. Shirtcliff
and her group [97] suggest that there is a “coupling” between
the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis and the gonadal axis. The
limbic and related circuits are activated as the first stage of stress
with a secondary hypothalamic activation. These results are of
interest also in young singers. The study of Hodges-Siemon [98]
and her group on testosterone and vocal parameters in 91 adolescent
male indicated that males in better energetic conditions
(BMI-for-age residuals from Tanner-specific growth curves) have
higher testosterone and lowered voice even controlling for age.
The knowledge of sex related hormones is as important as ever.
Testosterone given to females is a well-known risqué of voice
lowering [99]. Voice changes should be consideredwhenever hormonal
treatment is used. Wuntakal et al., [100] refer to some effects
of LHRH agonists given for ovarian cancer. Zacharin [101]
has an overview of treatment of secondary hypogonadism of
treated severe illness in childhood and adolescents since many
children now survive chronic illnesses.
Table 3 and 4 show results of voice production development in
prepubertal, pubertal and post pubertal groups in boys and girls
[7, 8].
Shirtcliff [102] has made an overview of hormonal change in puberty where it was shown that a picture-based interview combined with testosterone, DHEA and physical exam gave better predictive values. SHBG had a predictive significance of voice change in boys of p<0.05, in girls the widening of the range of the fundamental frequency in semitones during speech and E1So4 measureshad predictive values of p<0,05 [7].
Gaidano et al., [103] found that mean values of SHBG binding capacity, both for dihydrotestosterone and testosterone were significantly higher in prepubertal subjects. The binding capacity of SHBG is a result of a pool of proteins which modifies pubertal evolution.Rosner et al., [104] discus SHBG as a cell regulator, they demonstrate an additional mode of action on steroid hormones, one that does not require that the steroid interacts with a receptor. Kim et al., [105] measured SHBG which decreases markedly during early puberty. They found that 50 nm/L in stage Tanner 2 were significantly different to Tanner stage 1 and that free androgen index (FAI = testosterone/SHBG) could even better differentiate the onset of puberty. The decrease of SHBG coincidence with a significant increase in total body weight and body mass index.Simo et al., [106] describe how sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) is produced and secreted by the liver into the bloodstream where it binds sex steroids and regulates their bioavailability, by limiting their diffusion into their target tissue.Further research is needed to elucidate the molecular mechanism that could explain the sexual dimorphism regarding the plasma SHBG levels. Laurent et al., [107] comment that the in-vivo physiological role of circulating SHGB remains unclear, transgene mice expressing a human SHBG transgene were used in their study. The results are not directly translated for human voice related connection. SHGB is an interesting factor in prediction of voice change in puberty in Tanner stage 2-4 due to its’ multifactorial tissue effects.
Discussion and Conclusion
A systematic search was made of the last 10 years of development
of voice production in adolescence. 18 papers were found in a
search of Medline, Embase and hand search bythe library of the
English Royal Medical Society. Many indirect relevant studies of
voice production developmentwere found in reference lists. It was
shown how voice productiondevelopment is connected to genetic
and brain development. This is of main value forunderstanding
pathology. The genetic development of voice production is regulated
from the hypothalamus probably related to growth hormone.
The brain development is related to the primary voice production,
confirmed with fMRI, synchronized from the primary integrated
vocalmotor cortex center - over the hand - in the homunculus.
Hormonal development and especially the Serum Hormone
Binding Globulin have a predicting role for the development of
voice production in puberty which is not fully understood [108].
Stroboscopy and electroglottography are used routinely for voice
diagnostics without quantitative parameters [2, 3, 7]. In the future combined updated online highspeed film measures of voice
production can give a much better quantitative understanding of
voice production development [4, 5] - eventually combined with
optical coherence tomography [6] and analyzed with neural networks
[1]. Especially inpathology, mostly genetic multihandicaps´
syndrome patients could get better treatmentif quantitative measures
of several kinds of examinations were used [9].
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