SJIF Impact Factor 2020: 6.191

Diabetology & Vascular Disease Research (IJDVR)

International Journal of Diabetology & Vascular Disease Research (IJDVR) ISSN:2328-353X is a comprehensive, peer reviewed journal devoted to Diabetes & Vascular Disease Research. IJDVR, published by SciDoc is an open access journal that includes high quality papers, which cover all major areas of Diabetes, Vascular Diseases and its diagnosis. SciDoc with its Open Access publication model spreads all the day-to-day development and research to its readers around the world.

IJDVR articles are accessible without any restrictions to all the internet users throughout the world. The major fortunate ability of Open Access journals is that anyone can contribute their research and any relevant information related to the field of Diabetes and Vascular Disease.The aim of the journal is to provide a venue for dissemination of knowledge and discussion of topics related to Diabetes - clinical research, vascular diseases and patient care.

IJDVR publishes original research, latest developments, review papers, scientific data, editorials from leading scientists and scholars around the world including but, not limited to the following fields:

  • Diabetology
  • Endocrinology
  • Retinopathy
  • Nephropathy
  • Diabetes
  • Principles of Diabetes
  • Circulatory System
  • Promoting Self Care
  • Management of Diabetes
  • Complications (Microvascular)
  • Insulin
  • Types of Diabetes Mellitus
  • Diabetic Emergencies
  • Drugs for Diabetes
  • Pathophysiology
  • Epidemiology
  • Diabetes in Animals
  • Cardiovascular Disease

Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontal Disease: A Pilot Investigation Into Patient Awareness Of Glycated Haemoglobin Levels And Periodontal Screening Scores And Their Associated Risk Factors In General Dental Practice - Research Article

Stephen J Goode1, Christopher Turner2*

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Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy in Children and Adolescents: How Effective are the Current Strategies?- Research Article

SN Uwaezuoke

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Obesity, Diabetes and Cancer: A Mechanistic Perspective - Research Article

Cifarelli V*, Hursting SD

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Maintaining Metabolically Healthy Overweight and Risk of Incident Type 2 Diabetes or Cardiovascular Disease - Research Article

Hashimoto Y, Tanaka M, Senmaru T, Asano M, Yamazaki M, Oda Y, Toda H, Nakamura N, Fukui M*

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Walking Economy is Impaired in Older Men and Women with Type 2 Diabetes - Research Article

Gardner AW*, Montgomery PS

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Prediabetes: The Variation between HbA1c and Fasting Plasma Glucose -Review Article

White K.A.M, Daneshvari S, Lilyquist J, Luo L, Steffen L.E, Bivin A, Gurule N, Ducasa G.M, Torres S.M, Lindeman R, Sankarappan S,Berwick M*

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Genetic Determinants of Type 2 Diabetes in Asians -Review Article

Qi Q*, Wang X, Strizich G, Wang T

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MicroRNAs as Potential Therapeutic Targets in Peripheral Arterial Disease - Review Article

AyotundeDokun MD PhD1* and Alexis CunninghamMD2

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A Short Review of Some Medicinal Plants And Phytocompounds With Hypotensive And Hypoglycemic Activities - Research Article

Mohamed E* and Naoufel Ali Zeggwagh

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